Vehicles in service on 17 Jan 2019 (Thursday)

Route Vehicles Note
2819/1, 828/2, 820/3, 844/4, 829/5, 814/6, 838/7, 839/8, 811/9, 823/10, 835/11, 815/12
3821/1, 801/2, 845/3, 833/4, 832/5, 825/6, 837/7, 830/8, 808/9, 818/10, 831/11, 834/12, 826/13
4819/201, 828/202, 820/203, 844/204, 829/205, 814/206, 838/207, 839/208, 811/209, 823/210, 835/211, 815/212
6604+605/2, 614+615/4, 809/6, 626+627/7, 528/31, 810/33, 806/35
7821/301, 801/302, 845/303, 833/304, 832/305, 825/306, 837/307, 830/308, 808/309, 818/310, 831/311, 834/312, 826/313
9508/2, 529/4, 501/6, 537/7, 600+601/8, 525/9, 534/31, 530/33, 509/33a, 521/35

9/33 – #530 – v priebehu dňa výmena vozidla za #509

104758/1, 4752/2, 4737/3, 4757/4, 4735/5, 4726/6, 4742/7, 3324/8
124760/1, 4764/2, 4761/3, 4763/4, 3305/5
145707/1, 5747/2
154705/1, 3507/2, 4762/3, 4751/4, 3325/5, 3304/6
165751/1, 5718/2, 5716/3, 5755/4, 5756/5, 5754/2901, 5744/2902
174725/1, 3322/2, 3310/3, 3311/4, 4721/5, 4720/6, 3318/7
186909/1, 5757/2, 6907/3, 6917/4, 6912/5
194739/1, 4731/2, 4707/3, 3306/4, 4716/5, 4718/6, 4732/7, 4750/8, 4712/9
20L5750/2001, 6703/2002, 5711/2003, 6901/2004, 6911/2005, 6916/2006, 6918/2007
215734/4105, 5738/4106, 6906/6002
226702/1, 6913/2
235721/1, 3317/2
255715/1, 5728/2, 5726/12, 6906/6002
266805/1, 6804/2, 5746/11, 6801/4103
273515/1, 3517/2, 3516/4, 3519/5
286704/1, 6902/2, 5618/3
295754/1, 5744/2, 5751/1601, 5718/1602, 5716/1603, 5755/1604, 5756/1605
325750/2001, 6703/2002, 5711/2003, 6901/2004, 6911/2005, 6916/2006, 6918/2007
345725/1, 5702/2, 5752/3, 5714/4
364748/1, 4714/2, 3504/3, 3323/4, 4719/5, 4756/6, 4717/7, 3301/8
516904/1, 6914/2, 6915/3
524759/1, 4733/2, 4755/3, 4746/4, 4738/5, 3328/6, 3524/7
544713/1, 3302/2, 3313/3, 3513/4, 4703/5, 4715/6
553528/1, 3502/2, 3514/3, 3530/4, 3522/5
563523/1, 3527/2, 3532/3, 3511/4
714754/1, 4747/2, 4708/3, 3327/4, 4741/5, 4743/6, 4727/7, 4749/8, 5743/9, 3314/9a
724722/1, 4728/2, 4704/3, 4711/4, 4744/5, 3329/6, 4723/7, 4702/8, 3321/9
R1840/4601, 841/4602, 842/4603, 535/4611
R2628+629/4612, 822/4614, 827/4616
R3608+609/4613, 824/4615, 803/4617
RA15742/4011, 5733/4226
RA34709/4003, 5748/4013, 5709/4225
RA45749/4101, 5740/4227
RA53315/4001, 5758/4107, 5705/4222
RA64701/4002, 5727/4224, 5704/4228
RA74706/4004, 5722/4012
ZV-E804/4411, 531/4412


  • Violated type of vehicle:
    • reduced capacity (3)
    • increased capacity (4)
  • Number of listed vehicle-duties: 247
  • Number of listed vehicles: 208


Vehicle type
Date from
Date to